Oasis Montana Inc.
Grid-Tie Renewable Energy Systems
Tech. Support: 1 406 777-4321
Home Page: www.oasismontana.com

Oasis Montana Inc. is a woman-owned and operated small Montana business that was incorporated in 1999 that employees 100% minority, disabled veterans. We are proud to have been helping people being energy efficient & energy independent for over 25 years.


Enphase Grid-tie Inverter
Featuring Remote Monitoring


Enphase offers a Microinverter System for residential and commercial PV applications. A microinverter works by converting DC power from each individual module in a distributed approach, as opposed to the traditional, centralized inverter approach that converts power from strings of modules. This system consists of three components, a microinverter, communications gateway, and a remote monitoring system. The compact microinverters attach directly to solar modules or racking and are wired in parallel directly to a breaker panel. This sends individual module performance information to the Enphase Enlighten communications gateway over a wireline network to a website. From the Enlighten website, users or installers can view and manage the performance of their solar power system at any time. The Enlighten website automatically detects any shortfall in energy production, identifies possible causes, and will then send an email to alert the user or installer of this information. Microinverter system components carry a robust 25-year warranty.

Below is an Enphase Grid-Tie system using LiFePo4 Batteries from Enphase and does not include installation costs as they will vary based on your installation.

Example shipping cost.  Local sales taxes and actual shipping costs will vary.


Call 406 777-4321
for additional information, products, and pricing.


Oasis Montana Inc.
Grid-tie solar electric power systems for the home
436 Red Fox Lane, Stevensville, MT 59870

E-mail us for free information on system sizing; or order our Design Guide & Product Catalog for $10.00  ($18.00 for international customers)

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(C) Copyright 2008 - 2017 Oasis Montana Inc - All rights
Revised 11/03/18

Toll Free order line:
Tech. Support: 1(406)777-4321
Fax: 406-777-4309